Sunday, July 5, 2009

2nd meeting journal entry: first week at mcl is great because i have a new friends to laugh with.i meet my new profs
many people to talk with.many things to learn. prof i think she is a good person.calm and always smiling she always give another chance for the others and always fair to all of us.
3.i think there weakness is hapiness,because every time there is a person crack a joke they always laugh and laugh.sometimes our prof get mad of us because were to noisy.strenght of our class we always have a unity we always help each other if someone need a hand.
4.the course values is the most relaxing one because we always have an activity that is really warm our selfs and express our selfs.math is a little bit hard for me because its hard to catch up with the teacher.
5.i go through my emotions because my emotion is natural what i feel i told the people i want to told him.

1 comment:

  1. you lack journal entry #3 and thus will receive an incomplete grade.
