Saturday, August 8, 2009

5th meething journal entry

1a.Daily sched
5:00-6:00 Ready for school
6:00-7:00 Go to School
7:00-11:30 School Hours
11:30-12:30 Go home
12:30-1:00 Eat lunch
!:00-4:00 Study my Lessons
4:00-7:00 Play dota
7:00-8:00 Eat Dinner
8:00 sleep

Thur- School
Sun-"0Rest day"
2.I've done my most master piece
Painting I've been doing that for the last 2 months
then i finally finish it
It is my best painting as of now
I really work hard to finish it
i sacrificed my time Just to Finish it and it is so good
my feelings so solve
My Painting is now on the Province I gave it to my lolo
As my gift

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