Friday, August 21, 2009

10th week journal entry

Bad peer pressure is some forcing you to do something Bad
Base on my experience I learn That doing bad and someone forcing you to do it
When I was on high school my classmates and I want to have a drink
In one of our classmates house but tommorow that day before were going to have an Exam But still they are forcing me to go with them but I told them no lets just have a Review in our exam tommorow

8th week journal entry

A.Return recovered thing
B.I do the challenge In the mcl hallway,when someone drop her wallet
a hello kitty wallet I run after the girl and brign her back the wallet.I feel so good and so nice to my self,then all my classmate starting to say that Im a good boy
C.I realized that a boy like me have a good personality to return back the wallet of a girl being so honest,I feel good and so nice to my self

9th week journal enrty

A responsible person is doing his task all the time
like before playing dota you first finish you're
assignments and you're household task
A resonsible person is organizing his things

7th week journal entry

my last result in my heath report is , I have a normal result
I just continue my right food,eating on time
and exercise every morning to make my self tha I can not easily get seak
and i go to the Flow of life
I never smoke,drink,and use drugs so i can be so healthy
because using those are making you're self closer to you're death

6th week journal entry

1. recite in class at least once in any course
B. I beat the challenge in our english class,I feel so great that time I never Raalize that i can do it
.if i work hard do my best and participate all the time.
C.I Learn that if you try and do you're best if ever you never done it before you can reallt do it
I realize that every effort you give to you're work you can done it with high grades

Saturday, August 8, 2009

5th meething journal entry

1a.Daily sched
5:00-6:00 Ready for school
6:00-7:00 Go to School
7:00-11:30 School Hours
11:30-12:30 Go home
12:30-1:00 Eat lunch
!:00-4:00 Study my Lessons
4:00-7:00 Play dota
7:00-8:00 Eat Dinner
8:00 sleep

Thur- School
Sun-"0Rest day"
2.I've done my most master piece
Painting I've been doing that for the last 2 months
then i finally finish it
It is my best painting as of now
I really work hard to finish it
i sacrificed my time Just to Finish it and it is so good
my feelings so solve
My Painting is now on the Province I gave it to my lolo
As my gift

4th meeting journal entry

1 having a positive characteristics is one of the possible ways to solve a problem
when you are positively thinking you can always have a possible outputs in your life.thats the things i realize having a positive characteristics in life

2.a.when i'm giving a suggestions in group works or presentations.
b.i respect all of them all the people around me

Sunday, July 5, 2009

2nd meeting journal entry: first week at mcl is great because i have a new friends to laugh with.i meet my new profs
many people to talk with.many things to learn. prof i think she is a good person.calm and always smiling she always give another chance for the others and always fair to all of us.
3.i think there weakness is hapiness,because every time there is a person crack a joke they always laugh and laugh.sometimes our prof get mad of us because were to noisy.strenght of our class we always have a unity we always help each other if someone need a hand.
4.the course values is the most relaxing one because we always have an activity that is really warm our selfs and express our selfs.math is a little bit hard for me because its hard to catch up with the teacher.
5.i go through my emotions because my emotion is natural what i feel i told the people i want to told him.

1st meeting

when i first saw the mcl i know that no feelings at all.when i get the exam that's the time i've got so nervous.what comes in my mind that time is can i really past the exam? and ask my self "kung kaya ng iba kaya ko classmates and i take the exam.then we past it so gladly.

after that april 24 i enrolled at the mcl my course ?.I'm an ie student as of know and i enjoy my college life

Sunday, June 28, 2009

my first day at mcl